When we read Ezekiel 37:1-11, we read about how God took Ezekiel to a valley filled with dry bones. Then asked him “can these bones live?” When he was presented with this question his response could have been based on what he saw through his physical eyes. However, Ezekiel knew the power of God and would not restrict His ability that’s why he responded, “O Lord God, you know?” This was the answer God was looking for, allowing Ezekiel to not limit what God can do. He remembered all the great things God had done in the past. Through believing in God, Ezekiel prophesied to the dry bones. There was noise in the place, because that which was broken was being made whole. When the bodies were made whole, then they could be filled with the Spirit of God.
This occurrence in the Bible is probably what the world looked like to Jesus, as He stepped down through forty-two generations to redeem the world. A valley filled with dry bones, which is a metaphor for a people that had lost all hope in verse 11. Sin had run rapid throughout the world choking the life and hope out of the people. This was the reason Jesus had to come to release the grip that sin had on us, and allow us to be reconnected with our Heavenly Father. This valley is what the entire world looked like to Jesus, but He focused on what we were to become after He paid the price for us. Once He was resurrected all power is now in His hands, and we have been given the opportunity to have life more abundantly. When we accepted Him we were made brand new, covered in His blood, and filled with the Holy Spirit. That’s why we can’t stop praising His name. Because, He has been better to us than we have been to ourselves.
You have been brought out of your valley of hopelessness. Now you have a responsibility to allow the Lord to lead you to a place that appears to be lifeless. Once you are their let Him guide you in all you say and do, and watch how the Lord will work. Once He’s done working in the place you are at, it will be filled with life! They will be healed, delivered and set free, and won’t be able to stop praising His name!