Palm Sunday is a day of rejoicing because Jesus made His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The excitement was started by those whose lives were touched by Jesus. Some that were in attendance saw the miracles He did, others were healed by Him. They wanted all who were in the city to know Jesus has the power to cause a change in the lives of people. Are you excited about having Jesus Christ in your life? Let me rephrase the question, has the power of Jesus caused any changes in your life? If so, then you have something to be excited about. Your worship of the Lord is based on your ability to believe. Since you believe, worship is part of your spiritual DNA. When Jesus and the disciples were walking, they saw a man who was born blind. The disciples began to question Jesus: who sinned the parents or this man? Jesus responded, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so that God’s works might be revealed in him (John 9:3).” Jesus healed this man, he received his sight, and Jesus left after performing this miracle.
In John 9:35-38, Jesus found the man that was blind. The leaders had driven him out because he would not waiver from giving the glory to Jesus for allowing him to see. Jesus engaged in conversation with the man, asking him if he believed in the Son of Man. The man was eager to find out who was the Son of Man because he wanted to believe in Him. Jesus let him know he was talking with the Son of Man who blessed him to see. The man said, “Lord, I believe.” After making this statement the man began to worship the Lord. He was not concerned about what anyone might say or think. Why, because he knew the Lord had changed his life. Therefore, nothing was going to get in his way and stop him from praising the Lord. This man had experienced the healing power of the Lord.
There may be some people that look at your life and know you have been changed. They don’t want to believe it was the power of the Lord. This is not your problem, they have to make the decision for themselves. However, since you believe, nothing is going to stop you from worshiping the Lord! Continue to walk in your blessings.