In 1 Samuel 17 we read about how David defeated the giant with a sling and a stone. There is much more to this story than David and the giant. When Goliath (giant) challenged the army of the living God to send someone to fight him no one came forth. He did this for forty days and no one was willing to fight him. The Bible describes Goliath as a man being well over eight feet tall and the champion of the Philistine army. The army of the living God had no one who could compare to him in size, so every day when he came to present the challenge no one would answer.
God sent David to confront the giant to encourage the army of the living God, and to let them know victory comes when we step out on faith. As David was going to the battlefield to face the giant, those that looked on felt he had no chance. They did not realize David understood the battle is the Lord’s when he moved forward in faith. He told Saul how God gave him the strength to defeat the lions and bears that came to prey on the sheep he was tending. He saw this as a similar situation and God was going to give him the victory over the predator that was trying to prey on the people of God.
What giant are you facing in your life that is stopping you from moving forward? If you don’t face the giant it will eventually cause you to go backwards. The giant is there to stop you from reaching your blessing but you have to remember what God has done before and will do again. You can face the giant in your life when you step out on faith. God will reward you for stepping out because the battle is the Lord’s!