The God we serve has power that is immeasurable. Think about this, this world was an empty void until the power of God changed it into what we see today. Everything we see was created by God, He is the giver of life, and provides fir His creations. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, their relationship with God changed, and they were dismissed from the garden. From that point until Jesus cam, humanity was dominated by sin and were being destroyed by their own actions. Jesus Christ came to reconcile us back to God the Father, to give us the opportunity to be saved from our sins. While on earth, Jesus was an example to the world on how to live a life to glorify God. When He was crucified the enemy thought that was the end of His ministry. However, we read in Ephesians 1:20 “God put His power to work in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places”. Jesus Christ lifeless body was in the tomb and God put His power to work, and took that which was dead and gave it life again. That is the same power that has transitioned us from sinner to saint. When we believe in God the Father through our big brother Jesus Christ, this power is now in us to. For the purpose of moving us forward to do the will of God.
Are you ready to allow God to put His power to work in your life? You have been transitioned from a life of sin through this power being put to work. Now you have to allow this power to put you to work. By sharing the Gospel and living your life to glorify Him.