In June of 2019? we started our expansion campaign: “Return of God’s Investment (ROGI).” There was a tremendous amount of excitement in our church, because we were doing all the ground work to build a new sanctuary. Before we could complete one year for ROGI, the pandemic occurred in March of 2020. We hare doing live web streaming, and when weather permits we have parking lot service. However, we have not been able to congregate, due to the pandemic. With the way things are going, it could make some people think the expansion project (ROGI) has been denied. In Genesis 15:1-6, this is exactly how Abram felt.
He was instructed by God to leave his father’s house and go in the direction God was to guide him. Also, he would become father of a great nation, and would be blessed by God. Abram embraced what God told him, and he left his home. Abram was 75 years old when God called him, he was married to Sarai, but they had no children. This man was so moved by the word of God, he immediately did as he was instructed. Abram had now been following the will of God for almost ten years, and is in the land God had given him. However, he and Sarai are still childless, and he is starting to feel down. Then Abram had a vision, and in it he states, “what will you give me, for I continue childless.” This is a man feeling denied, because he does not have a child. God told him, he would have a heir that will come from him. Then God brought him outside and said “look toward Heaven, and count the stars.” Knowing they are to numerous to count, and said, “So shall your descendants be.” God was letting him know that a delay is not a denial.
What about you, are you feeling this pandemic has denied you an opportunity? You were moving forward as the Lord instructed you, and this pandemic brought everything to a standstill. This has caused you to think, the opportunities you were supposed to have are denied, due to the pandemic. I want you to know the Word of God will not return back to Him void but accomplish His will. This pandemic will not be a denial, it is a delay. You will come through this, and see the work and the blessings the Lord has for you. Lift up your head and look to the sky, knowing you serve a God that will make a way out of no way. Remember a delay is not a denial! Continue to walk in your blessings.