This is the first Sunday of the Advent season. This past weekend a number of people were either online or in stores purchasing Christmas gifts for family and friends. There are some people that love buying gifts for others, and they will truly think about every purchase they make. They will think about what the person needs and likes, because they want the person to enjoy the gift. Others will do bargain shopping, they will go to a place where items are on sale to get their gifts. Everybody does not approach gift shopping the same way, and that’s okay because we are all different.
However, when it comes to our God, He provided us all with a gift we needed.
We were all broken by the sin in our lives and this caused us to be separated from the Lord. That’s why Jesus Christ had to come to create the opportunity for us to be reunited with God. He is God’s gift to the world.
In Proverbs 18:16, the writer states the following, “a gift opens doors, it gives access to the great.” On the surface it appears straightforward and to the point, but there is more to this verse when you dig deeper. The sin in our lives has caused us not to have access to God, in essence the door was shut. There’s something else that occurs when the door is shut, there is no light in the room. God knew we were in a situation that was breaking us down, and it would devour us if nothing was done. So, God provided His only begotten Son to become a gift for you. Once you willingly receive this gift the door that was shut will be open, and the darkness will have to flee because the Light comes in. The Light guides you through the door, and gives you access to the great God you serve. Knowing you are no longer broken by the sin that was in your life. You have been healed, delivered and set free. Why, because you received the gift of life, and will no longer be bound by sin. This gift of life opens the door to the spiritual gifts the Lord has stored in you. But, they were only opened once you received the gift of Life. When this happens you realize, “greater is He that is in me, that he that is in the world.” You will no longer walk around defeated and depleted, because the gift you received has given you access to the greatness of God.
Have you received God’s gift? The only thing you have to do is accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. By making this decision you are letting God know how much you appreciate what He has done for you. The door will be open and you will gain access to greatness, and your life will never be the same. Continue to walk in your blessings!