In Psalm 34:4-6, the writer wants to convey to his readers the need to seek out and look to the Lord. The writer does not want you to ever think, there is no help. In verse 4 it says, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” Seeking out the Lord is a recurring theme throughout the Bible. Why is it constantly being reinforced, because the enemy will attack you from various directions. In this Psalm the enemy is referring to fear. Fear is an emotion that can be paralyzing. When the enemy gets this type of response from you, then he knows what to do to stop you from moving forward. The relationship the Lord has established, causes you to take action and move forward. However, the enemy does not want you to do this. Therefore, he uses fear to stop you. In order for this weapon not to prosper, you have to seek out the Lord. And He will deliver you from all your fears. In verse 5 it states, “look to Him, and be radiant; so your faces shall never be ashamed.” Once you have been delivered, your attention is on the Lord. When this happens you will no longer be the same, because the Lord has changed your appearance. The change happens to let you know His hand is upon your life. To alert you to move forward in confidence, and let go of your mistakes. This is important, because you have nothing to be ashamed of. The darkness that use to dominate your life has been removed, and replaced with the light of the Lord.
It says in verse 6, “this poor soul cried, and was heard by the Lord, and was saved from every trouble.” In this verse you see how the writer saw himself as a poor soul, someone that was not deserving of the blessings of the Lord. He wanted help and the Lord exceeded his expectations. The Lord answered, delivered, and changed his appearance. How? By moving him from darkness into the Light. So, that he would move forward with confidence in the Lord, who has changed his life. He is never to consider himself as a poor soul, because the Lord has changed his adjectives.
What adjectives do you use to define yourself? If they are degrading or negative it’s time to change. The Lord has shined His light on you, so you don’t have to be ashamed of the mistakes of your past. Therefore, don’t refer to yourself in negative or degrading terms. The Lord has changed your adjectives, because you looked to Him. Continue to walk in your blessings!