There is a difference in seeing something from a distance, verses seeing it up close. When looking from a distance there are somethings you will miss. However, when you are up close you are able to see everything clearly. In Ephesians 2:13, Paul states we were once far off, but we have been brought near through the blood of Christ. He was letting the saints know in Ephesus, you now have the opportunity to come into the presence of the Lord. God has made Himself available, to all who accept His Son as their Savior. Through their position changing, they now understand they are loved by God. Through embracing His love, they will be assisted by the Holy Spirit to make the transition from sinner to saint. This is why they had to come near, to see the potential in what they can become in God, through the blood of Jesus Christ.
In essence, when we come near we are able to see two reflections, one of our current reflection, the other of what we will become. This is necessary, because when I see my current reflection, I realize how I have come up short. However, when God shows you what you will become, you realize He still sees your potential. Therefore, you start believing you can, because God believes in you. This happened when you accepted Jesus Christ, and through His blood your position has changed. Hallelujah!